DWEMC is governed by the Companies Act 2006
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This Act gives opportunites to bypass the restrictions that TW and DWEMC have put in place.
Astute use of the provisions of the Act creates a path round these restrictions.
...but we need the support of a majority of the leaseholders in Diglis?
- Can't get to see the Minutes
- Can't get the see Accounts
- Can't control the decisions
- Can't control Handover
We can inititate a General Meeting
- Need 5% of the Members
- Need proper process
- Need proper timing
We can create Resolutions for this Meeting in advance
We can carry our Resolutions at this Meeting
- No need to attend
- Can use Proxy votes
- Need enough votes... a majority at meeting/proxy votes
.... contact us ....
.....so here is the plan .....