- We are owners in Diglis Estate.
- We, like you, are Members of Diglis Water Estate Management Company (DWEMC).
- We want a say in how our Estate is run.
- We want to see the details - who's getting our £££ ?
In our exploration of DWEMC we have found....
- when we bought our apartments and houses we were promised REPRESENTATION in Diglis Water.
- 13 years on - we STILL have no REPRESENTATION.
- 13 years on we cannot see the Accounts nor the Minutes of DWEMC.
- the Articles of DWEMC written by TW have been crafted deliberately to lock us - the Members - out!
We are inviting you to join us to get what we were promised.....REPRESENTATION within DWEMC.
We have set this site up to get support so that the Members can influence how Diglis Water Estate is run.
We feel that....
- we are not best served by TW and
MainstayFirstPort - and it's time to get REPRESENTATION
We know that....
- we have the Right to get REPRESENTATION
- we have the Expertise and Experience to get REPRESENTATION.
- we can get REPRESENTATION - here's how!
..do you share these views?
DWEMC was initially a good idea.
As each phase of the construction was completed and occupied, DWEMC ensured that the Estate was managed properly.
It made sense at the time for TW to run this owing to the amount of ongoing building work over the estate.
TW's stated intent was that at the end of the construction, when 'the last apartment was finished with its associated legal work' , the management of DWEMC would pass to the Leaseholders in Diglis Estate - the HANDOVER.
This was over ten years ago. Many excuses have been put forward to explain why HANDOVER has not yet taken place.
So why are we still waiting?
When TW incorporated DWEMC they cemented CONTROL of the company into a set of Directors whom THEY control.
This looked good.....
This is the paragraph....
This give us all the impression that the management of DWEMC was intended to pass to the residents.
..but it's only an impression.
Some smart people read the details and questioned TW's Sale Director about how this HANDOVER would work. They pointed out that the directors of DWEMC (who were NOT members nor lived in the Estates) could defer the Handover for as long as they liked - forever!!
The Sales Director dismissed this - 'Oh, this would never happen....as soon as possible we will pass DWEMC over to the Leaseholders'
Dear Mr and Mrs .... Thank you for your email of 25 September and please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I have liaised with our legal department and customer care team to address your queries. The answers to your questions would be as follows:
- Residential management company
- On completion of the last unit our solicitors will request volunteers to become chairman, company secretary and treasurer of the residential management company – only when these have been appointed will the company be transferred from T.W. to the residents. – The lease states that the management company shall consider the views and wishes of the at least two thirds of the owners.
- The role of Diglis Water Estate Management Company - drain and gulley cleaning, tree surgery, gardening, hard landscape maintenance, communal electricity, day to day maintenance, replacement of consumables and light bulbs, pest control, litter pick, risk assessment, public liability insurance.
- In the 5 years Mainstay have been on site at Diglis Water we have not received any complaints from the residents about their service level or performance. Their Head Office is located very close to the site and the property manager visits to check contractors performance on a regular basis.
- Once the management company has been handed over to the residents, the new committee can terminate Mainstays contract and employ agents of their choice.
- All views of the owners will be seriously considered by Taylor Wimpey, the current management company, provided the service charge is unaffected. Once the residents take over they will have total control over changes.
The Management Company:-
LEASE 2. The parties acknowledge that:- 2.1 The Tenant has applied to become a member of The Diglis Water Estate Management Company..
Yeah Right - here we are, more than ten years on, and we are no closer to getting representation than we were when we signed our leases!
Leaseholders have REPEATEDLY pressed the directors for information on DWEMC representation..
- and always get the same response - 'sometime soon'
....like Free Beer Tomorrow!
We want to share how we can gain REPRESENTATION within Diglis Water Management Company
It is legal, reasonable, possible and our RIGHT for us to ...
- have a say in who manages our Estate
- ensure we get value for money and have the opportunity to develop where we live